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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Types of Network Cable

There are three basic types of networking cables:
1: Twisted Pair
2: Coaxial cable
3: Fiber Optics


ATTENUATION (Distance Limit):
                                In nearby all cable there is a distance limit at which the signal on the wire wakness and no longer can be recognized.
                                                                Virtually all electrical devices emit electromagnetic waves that can cause interference and impair the signal of other devices.

                                                                                   Devices that broadcast wireless or radio signals can produce interference through radio waves transmissions picked up by other electrical devices, which is the case of EMI.

                                The electromagnetic fields of two wires placed in close proximity can cancle out each other. This is generally a good thing and helps control the signal being sent over the individual wires, but too much cancellation can destroy the integrity of the signal carried on either wire.

PDU ( Protocol Data Unit) Names of the Layers of the OSI Model

What OSI Model does?

OSI Model Describes how information moves from an application program running on on networked computers to an application program running on another networked computer. OSI prescribes the steps in the process of transferring data, in the form of ones and zeroes, over a transmission medium to another computer or device on a network.

Layer Model In ISO OSI Reference Model

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


  • Industry standards Organization, Open System Interconnection Reference Model.
  • All cisco networking is the OSI Reference Model
  • OSI Model is the foundation of all network communications Cisco and othrs.
  • OSI Reference Model has seven layers.
  • Department of Defense has five layers.
  • A layered model is one that takes a task, such as data communications, and breaks it down into a series of tasks, activities, or components.   

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Fiber Distributed Data Interchange (FDDI)- The Double Ring Network

FDDI is an ANSI (American national Standards Institute) standard that defines a dual ring technology that operates at 100 mbps over fiber optics cabling.
FDDI is better suited for networks that operate over large geographic area or in electronically environments, or for networks that have large bandwidth demands.